Sunday Bonus Armadillo Eggs

Man see video on food, man make food on video

As I was watching leaning how a professional makes short ribs just so I can not come close to how good they look the mighty YouTube recommended this video from (you guessed it) Matt from Meat Church on how he makes Armadillo Eggs. I thought hey, I have a tube of ground beef and a grocery store near by let’s just fuc*ing do this.

I headed over to the store and grabbed me some JahLaPeeNoos, Philly Cream Cheese, and as instructed by father Matt not thicc cut bacon. These were pretty damn easy and the only thing that got me was the loss of power which makes smoking an electric Traeger a bit tougher.

Let’s get into how I attempted this:
-I folded some Traeger Cherry Rub into the room temp cream cheese
-Since I’m a baby the jalapenos were halved, seeds taken out, and filled with creamy goodness before being put back together
-Ground beef was flattened and used to roll a thin layer around the jalapeno, just enough to cover it
-Cut a few pieces of bacon up so I could cover the ends of these eggs and then wrapped each one in bacon
-Used Meat Church Honey Hog Rub and generously sprinkled the eggs
-Traeger was already rolling at 275 from the beef ribs I had on and eggs hit around 4pm

-Checked on them about 1 hour later and loved the color
-Light spritz of apple cider and let roll

-Around 530ish the power cut out and I was forced to channel my inner Bear Grylls (I didn’t drink my own piss don’t worry)
-The eggs were pretty much finished and I had planed on putting on a honey bourbon glaze and letting tack in the smoker
-Instead I put on the glaze and used a torch in the pitch black with my phone as a flashlight to caramelize the sugars and make the glaze stick to the eggs

-Wrapped in foil and out the door

Other than me not planning on a little bit more prep work than anticipated these were REALLY easy to make. I would have really liked to leave these on for another 20-30min to cook the bacon a touch more, and using a torch in my dark kitchen wasn’t as good as letting the smoke tack up the sauce but here we are. The brewery crowd again was the guinea pigs for my meat experiments and these went over REALLY well. I was happy with how much smoke got through the bacon to the ground beef below since I opted not to season it. I think next time I use a rub with a higher pepper content to cancel out the salty bacon and try and not lose power. Improvise, adapt, overcome, smoke.


Bounce-Back Reverse Seared Steaks


Beef Short Ribs