My name is Jack and I will be your idiot documenting my journey stumbling through smoking meats…

This blog is a combination of the fact I never remember anything and need to document my process on things and me showing people if I can do this anyone can. Plus I bought a house in 2023 and apparently right as you sign the papers you magically find yourself buying a Traeger Pro series.

As you read before my name is Jack and I like meat in any form. I am the owner of Dr. Brewlittle’s Brewery in Maple Shade, NJ and because I am lazy and don’t cut my hair, rarely trim my beard the proper way, am over 6’2” and some would say weigh over my average I have been nicknamed Sasquatch. I truly don’t know if I gave it to myself at the brewery of if someone told me it but it stuck.

My love of smoking and really cooking in general is a mix of mostly wanting to make people happy through food and just a sprinkle of “look what I can do” added to the mix. Regularly my friends ask me “How did you make this?” or “What’s the process?” and I never have a good answer so I thought a way for me to remember and a way to share a truly non-professional look into smoking things I am now another idiot with a blog.

Whether or not I’m the only person who reads this to remember, or you have friends that don’t like you so they sent you here I hope reading about my process and adventure in the large world of smoking various things shows you that if I can do it truly anyone can.